Certified Medical Magazine by WMA, ACSA, HON
Picture of the egg donor

Picture of the egg donor

  1. amir


    In which countries will we be able to see a donor picture (I know it’s forbidden in some countries…)?

    The relevant countries for us are:


    Many thanks!

    06/11/2016 at 12:29 pm
  2. Dear amir,

    Assuming that you are asking for an adult picture of the egg donor, I’m providing you with a list and an explanation of the countries where this is allowed, but firstly let me tell you about the countries you listed.

    Well, as for Cyprus, according to the Cypriot Act 69 (I)/2015, egg donors must remain anonymous, which means their identity cannot be revealed to the intended parents. However, general information about the donor can be provided (general physical characteristics). Pictures are not allowed as well.

    In Greece, the process works more or less the same. It is the fertility clinic the one responsible for matching a suitable donor to the recipient, and the donor identity won’t be disclosed, including pictures of the donor.

    As for egg donation in Spain, Spanish regulations do not allow donors to be non-anonymous. Neither the donor-conceived child will be able to get to know her or see a picture. Finally, in Portugal all oocyte donors are anonymous as defined by law, so open egg donation (i.e. seeing a picture of the donor) is not permitted as well.

    On the other hand, there are other European and non-European countries in which egg donation can be known, such as the United States, Russia, Croatia, and Denmark. The following are links where you can find information on these countries:

    Egg donation in the United States
    Egg donation in Russia
    Egg donation in Croatia
    Egg donation in Denmark

    If you are interested in any of these countries or want to contact a clinic from Cyprus, Greece, Spain, or Portugal, my advice is that you fill in our Form to get detailed estimates from different fertility clinics according to your own personal situation, geographical location, and age.

    Also, you can take a look at our Clinic Directory, where you can find the best clinics from each one of the above mentioned countries – just click on the countries colored in blue to see the clinics that best fit your needs.

    Should you have any further questions, do not hesitate to ask.

    I hope I have been able to help,

    All the best

    06/13/2016 at 11:27 am
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