The answer to the question whether embryo biopsy for genetic analysis of frozen embryos is possible is yes. The biopsy itself is not the limiting factor, as long as the person performing the biopsy is sufficiently experienced, and the embryo meets a minimum of characteristics to survive the process.
It has been demonstrated that the biopsy of trophectoderm (which is a part of the embryo), in embryos of good quality, and with sufficient experience in the management of this process, does not affect the viability of the embryos.
However, discussing this issue with our expert biologists in embryo biopsy reminds us that the double vitrification process of these embryos, compromises survival, since we are talking about a minimum of two vitrifications and two devitrifications with their consequent added risks of non-survival.
Therefore, the ideal will always be to evaluate each case and each patient couple the risks versus the benefits. In case a biopsy is needed, it will always be better to biopsy fresh and transfer deferred.