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Upper age limit for egg donation

Upper age limit for egg donation

  1. <span  class="bbp-author-name">Cynthia Robinson</span>
    Cynthia Robinson

    Hello! I’m Cynthia and I live in Fairfax, VA… I’d like to help other women by donating my oocytes to them. I’m white, my eye color is hazel and my hair is natural black. I’m 5 feet 4 inches tall and I could say I’m a naturally thin girl. As for my age, I’m 33 and that’s what’s concerning me, because maybe I’m qualified as too old to donate my eggs? I’m super healthy, I took a blood test a month ago and every value was perfect… I don’t smoke or something similar and I do some swimming reguarly, so I don’t lead a sedentary lifestyle. Can you tell me if I will be ruled out as a donor because of my age? What’s the maximum age for egg donation?

    Thanks in advance for your response

    10/19/2015 at 1:01 pm
  2. Dear Cynthia,

    In the US, for instance, the maximum age recommended for egg donation is 40 years old. In general, the upper age limit for egg donation ranges from 35 up to 40 years old worldwide. The reason why 40 is the maximum age is due to a natural function of the woman’s reproductive system: the ovarian reserve keeps on diminishing as women age. That’s the reason why young, healthy women are the best profile of egg donor.

    Anyway, you are still within the range from 30 to 35, therefore yoy may still become an egg donor provided you pass all the screening of potential egg donors that everyone willing to become a donor must go through.

    Good luck

    10/21/2015 at 9:15 am
  3. Hey, I’ve been reading about the conditions for donating eggs in different countries and I realize some of them allow the recipient to choose herself the donor… I mean, donors can remain anonymous or not. To be honest with you this is the main reason why I’m currently considering egg donation abroad, as I would like my sister to be my donor. My question is: could my sister, who is 39, donate eggs? Requirements usually state donors should be women aged 36 or less, I’ve never seen 39 as an accepted age and that’s why I’m asking… If that’s the case, I’m afraid she won’t be able to provide me with some eggs, which is a pity as that’s the only way I’ve to share some genetic material with the baby. Any help will be very much appreciated, thanks.

    06/13/2016 at 6:58 pm
    • Hello Suzzie,

      Well, the age limit will depend on your destination country for cross-border reproductive care. While some places such as certain U.S. states have established the same requirements for anonymous and non-anonymous egg donors, countries such as Denmark, for instance, when the donor is a relative or close friend of the intended parents, she must be pre-screened in the same way an anonymous donor would be, but being younger than 36 is not an essential requirement – which is compulsory in the case of unknown donors.

      Regardless, even if your sister were legally allowed to contribute her eggs for your fertility treatment, you should keep in mind that egg quality and egg quantity diminish over time, and especially from age 35-40 onwards. So, it is possible that, although she is allowed to donate eggs from the point of view of the age limit, she may be medically unable to do so, due to her fertility status.

      I hope I have been able to help,


      06/14/2016 at 5:57 pm
  4. Thank you very much, Sandra F.!

    06/15/2016 at 12:39 pm