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What should you eat after embryo transfer?

What should you eat after embryo transfer?

  1. <span  class="bbp-author-name">umbria</span>

    Hi guys,

    I’m about to have my first embryo transfer next week and I’m wondering if I should adapt my diet? Any recommended foods to favor embryo implantation?

    06/01/2020 at 11:57 am
  2. Hi Umbria,

    it’s always advisable to eat a healthy and balanced diet, above all if you’re undergoing any kind of fertility treatment as it has a positive effect on your body. T

    herefore, it’s best you follow the Mediterranean diet which is considered the healthiest form of nutrition. This means that you can eat fresh fruits and vegetables such as bananas, berries, broccoli, sweet potatoes, sprouts, or dates. It is also important to include protein in your diet in form of anchovies, beans, eggs, nuts, or salmon. Regarding carbs, we recommend you stick to more complex ones such as oats and whole grains as they are high in fiber.

    On the contrary, you should avoid any toxic substances such as alcohol or soda. Process foods and certain types of fish with high mercury content should not be consumed, either.

    Hope this answers your question.

    All the best.

    06/02/2020 at 8:04 am
    • Thanks for clarifying. What about physical activities? Can I keep on with my gym sessions or rather not?

      06/17/2020 at 12:05 pm