Most women who resort to in vitro fertilisation (IVF) are at a biologically advanced age for pregnancy.
There is a higher probability of miscarriage in IVF treatments than in natural pregnancies, probably due to the age factor and not to the IVF technique itself. According to the latest statistical register of the Spanish Fertility Society (SEF) for the year 2020, the miscarriage rate after IVF with own eggs in women under 35 years of age is $15.1, while in women over 40 years of age it is 40%.
However, if these data are compared with the rate of miscarriage after IVF with donor eggs, there is a clear difference. For example, the miscarriage rate in women under 35 years of age who have undergone IVF with donor eggs is 17.5% and in women over 40 years of age it is 18.5%. Therefore, it can be seen that the age of the woman has no effect.