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What Is EmbryoScope? – Use in IVF

Mercè Durban Llenas B.Sc., Ph.D.

 Mercè  Durban Llenas B.Sc., Ph.D.
License: 13.652-C

Educational background

  • General Management Programme (PDG) from the EADA business school in Barcelona (2015-2016)
  • Doctorate from the Autonomous University of Barcelona in the Cellular Biology Programme (2008)
  • Bachelor's Degree in Biology from the University of Barcelona (1994)

Professional experience

  • Laboratory Manager at Ginefiv Barcelona (Jul 2021-Present)
  • Lab manager and laboratory coordinator at Eugin Barcelona (Apr 2000-Jun 2021)
  • Support biologist in Instituto Navarro de Ginecología (Feb 1999-Jun 2003)
  • Supporting ambriologist at IMER (Dec 1998-Dec 2006)
  • Laboratory manager at Institució Lleidatana de Fertilitat (Jan 1998-Dec 2003)
  • Assistant embryologist at the Assisted Reproduction Clinic CRAS (Jan 1996-Dec 2000)
  • Assistant embryologist at the Human Reproduction Unit (URH) Gerona (Jan 1996-Dec 2000)

Honors and awards

  • Specialist in Assisted Human Reproduction and Clinical Embryology by the Association for the Study of Reproductive Biology (ASEBIR) in 2010.
  • Extraordinary Prize of the Cell Biology Programme for the Doctoral Thesis. Department of Cell Biology, Physiology and Immunology, UAB. Period 2008-2009
  • Senior clinical embryologist for the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE) since 2008.
  • Participation in Clinical Sessions, Quality Committee, Safety and Occupational Risks Committee; as well as monitoring of compliance with established decisions, standards and protocols.

Scientific community involvement

Mercè Durban has several scientific publications such as:

  • New mutations in phospholipase C zeta 1 associated with fertilisation failure after ICSI. Authors: Torra-Massana M, Cornet-Bartolomé D, Barragán M, Durban M, Ferrer-Vaquer A, Zambelli F, Rodríguez A, Oliva R, Vassena R
  • Disruption of LCζ with complete fertilisation failure in normozoospermia. Authors: Durban M, Barragán M, Colodrón M, Ferrer-Buitrago M, De Sutter P, Heindryckx B, Vernaeve V, Vassena R
  • Cytogenetic analyses of human oocytes provide new data on the mechanisms of nondisjunction and the origin of trisomy 16. Authors: García-Cruz R, Casanovas A, Brieño-Enríquez M, Robles P, Roig I, Pujol A, Cabero L, Durban M, García Caldés M
  • Decreased mitochondrial DNA in oocytes from HIV-infected women treated with antiretrovirals. Authors: López S, Coll O, Durban M, Hernàndez S, Vidal R, Suy A, Morén C, Casademont J, Cardellach F, Mataró D, Miró O, Garrabou G
  • Endometrial receptivity after oocyte donation in recipients with a history of chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy. Authors: Vernaeve V, Bodri D, Colodrón M, Vidal R, Durban M, Coll O
  • Endometrial reactivity after oocyte donation in recipients with a history of chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy.
  • Prognostic factors in oocyte donation: an analysis through egg-sharing recipient couples showing a discordant outcome. Authors: Bodri D, Colodron M, Vidal R, Galindo A, Durban M, Coll O
  • Decline in oocyte donation
  • Decreased pregnancy rate after in vitro fertilisation in HIV-infected women receiving HAART. Authors: Coll O, Suy A, Figueras F, Vernaeve V, Martínez E, Mataró D, Durban M, Lonca M, Vidal R, Gatell JM
  • Decrease in pregnancy rate after in vitro fertilisation in HIV-infected women receiving HAART.
  • Multiple aneuploidies in the oocytes of balanced translocation carriers: a preimplantation genetic diagnosis study using first polar body. Authors: Pujol A, Durban M, Benet J, Boiso I, Calafell JM, Egozcue J, Navarro J
  • Analysis of nine chromosomal probes in first polar bodies and metaphase II oocytes for the detection of aneuploidy. Authors: Pujol A, Boiso I, Benet J, Veiga A, Durban M, Campillo M, Egozcue J, Navarro J
  • Preimplantational genetic screening and implantation in humans. Authors: Egozcue J, Santaló J, Giménez C, Durban M, Benet J, Navarro J, Vidal F
  • Preimplantational genetic screening and implantation in humans.
  • PGD in female carriers of balanced and reciprocal Robertsonian translocations by analysis of the first polar body. Authors: Durban M, Benet J, Boada M, Fernández E, Calafell JM, Lailla JM, Sánchez-García JF, Pujol A, Egozcue J, Navarro J
  • Parental chromosome studies in women carrying robertsonian balanced and reciprocal translocations using first polar body analysis.
  • Chromosomal studies in first polar bodies of hamster and human oocytes. Authors: Durban M, Benet J, Sarquella J, Egozcue J, Navarro J
  • Chromosomal studies in first polar bodies of hamster and human oocytes.

In addition, Mercè has participated in different courses as a speaker:

  • Taking contact in women without a male partner, Ginefiv Barcelona clinic
  • Course on Care for couples with sterility and infertility problems, Official College of Nurses and Nurse Practitioners of Barcelona.
  • International Master's Degree in Human Reproduction, Campus Universitari del Par de Salut Mar (Hospital del Mar), Barcelona.

Mercè has also participated in numerous congresses with communications in poster and oral format and as a moderator.

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Last Update: 09/21/2021