Month 7 of pregnancy, which covers from weeks 25 to 28, marks the third and last trimester of pregnancy. This stage of pregnancy is the beginning of the final countdown to childbirth. However, the baby is not in the right position for birth yet.
One should pay special attention to the symptoms that the pregnant woman may experience during this time period in order to prevent a preterm birth.
Provided below is an index with the 8 points we are going to expand on in this article.
- 1.
- 1.1.
- 1.2.
- 2.
- 3.
- 3.1.
- 3.2.
- 3.3.
- 3.4.
- 4.
- 5.
- 5.1.
- 5.2.
- 5.3.
- 6.
- 7.
- 8.
Symptoms to expect
At this point of pregnancy and up until more or less the time of birth, the most common symptoms include:
- Fatigue and exhaustion
- Stretch marks
- Backache
- Constipation
- Insomnia
The unpleasant symptoms that you might experience in this month are similar to the previous month, although they be more acute than ever.
The weight of the baby plus the placenta, uterus and amniotic fluid can add up to 6 kg to your total body weight. This causes you to experience more trouble when performing daily routines due to the excess weight you have to bear, which can cause you to feel clumsy. For this reason, it is important that you are cautious and be specially careful when going upstairs and downstairs while pregnant to prevent accidents.
The most obvious change in your body is an increase in your belly size, since the baby is almost fully developed. During the final months of pregnancy, his job is to just gain more and more weight and subsequently increase in size.
During the third trimester of pregnancy, the placenta needs a greater blood supply to ensure that the baby nurtures healthily. As a result, the cardiovascular workout increases, since the blood supply from the mother can double at this point, causing the following symptoms:
- Swelling (edema)
- Varicose veins
- High and/or low blood pressure
- Dizziness
- Maternal collapse
As a consequence of these symptoms, it is likely that you suffer liquid retention problems. It is common for pregnant women to experience leg swelling issues, especially in the calves, ankles, and feet.
To relieve this symptom, we recommend that you sleep with your legs elevated and avoid standing for long hours.
According to experts, if swelling expands exaggeratedly to the upper part of your body or even your face, you visit your doctor as soon as possible to dismiss the possibility of high blood pressure problems, including preeclampsia. Learn about the symptoms of this condition in the following section.
Preeclampsia signs
Preeclampsia is one of the most common problems experienced by pregnant women worldwide.
This condition is caused by the pregnancy itself, and its more common symptom is high blood pressure. Other potential symptoms can be:
- Swelling (edema)
- Massive weight gain
- Headache
- Breathing problems
- Nausea and vomiting
- Decreased urine output
- Blurred vision
If you experience mild symptoms of preeclampsia, we recommend bed rest, drinking plenty of fluids, and a rigorous medical control.
If your symptoms are moderate or severe, or in cases where your health or the baby's are at risk, you might be hospitalized. In the worst-case scenario, your doctor might determine that inducing labor is the best option.
State of mind
From the 7th month onwards, it is normal that you feel more sensitive from the emotional viewpoint. In any case, this symptom varies on a case-by-case basis.
The frequency of sudden mood swings increases, not only due to hormonal changes, but also caused by exhaustion. Moreover, the pregnant woman feels that the day of labor is closer. For this reason, it is normal that you have mixed symptoms, including fear on when and how is it going to happen.
Relaxation exercises, funny activities, and private moments with your partner can be helpful for you to feel less worried and enjoy the final stages of pregnancy.
Changes in the baby
By the end of month 7 of pregnancy, the baby's weight can be above 1 kg. He or she can length more than 40 cm.
One of the most relevant changes in fetal development is a reduction in the amount of amniotic fluid, which allows the baby to continue increasing his/her weight.
This reduced levels of amniotic fluid is a totally normal event at this stage of pregnancy. For this reason, it is important that you do not confuse it for a pregnancy condition called oligohydramnios, defined as an abnormal decrease in the amount of amniotic fluid. Learn more: What Does Leaking Amniotic Fluid Feel Like? – Signs & Causes.
The space left for the baby in the uterus starts being too limited for moving freely. In spite of this, he is still able to more vigorously and energetically, mainly because now he is able to respond to external stimuli.
From the anatomical point of view, the fetus is fully formed. Nonetheless, bone formation and development has not finished yet.
The respiratory system is almost fully managed by the central nervous system. Breathing movements are more complete now, which means the baby is preparing for birth.
Brain activity has progressed, too: sleep patterns and vigil start functioning.
The eyes, which now he or she can open easily, are sensitive to bright light now. However, the pigmentation process is incomplete for the moment. Parents must be a little bit patient and wait a few months before they guess the eye color of their child after birth.
The placenta starts transferring antibodies from the maternal organism to the body of the fetus. By doing this, the baby is born being immune to certain diseases.
Month 7 week by week
The following are the most important changes that take place during month 7 of pregnancy by week:
Week 25
Throughout this week of pregnancy, the eyelashes start growing hair. Also, hair starts growing in the head, although it is not the final version of it. The eyes are almost fully developed, although they still lack pigmentation.
Experts recommend parents-to-be to stimulate the baby's hearing sense during this week, since this sense experiences a major development at this point. Even though the fetus is alone inside his mother's womb, sound waves are capable of going through the skin and uterus, which stimulates fetal brain activity to a large extent.
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Week 26
During week 26, the baby develops reflexes, including the sucking reflex, which will allow him or her to feet on breastmilk after birth. Moreover, as a response to noises, he is able to extend the arms as a defense mechanism.
The baby is able to swallow and expel amniotic fluid with total normality, helping the proper development of the digestive system.
Week 27
Approximate measurements of the fetus at this stage of pregnancy are 36 cm long, and almost 1 kg of weight.
From this moment on, you might feel your baby's hiccup in the form of small spasms that are different from kicks or fetal movement. Hiccup episodes last a few seconds and are not unpleasant for the baby. It cannot be heard, since his lungs still lack air.
Week 28
The baby is accumulating fat under the skin. This provides him or her with a more human-like appearance, since skin wrinkles are disappearing, and the color is becoming more pale.
During these final weeks, the baby's senses are finishing their development process.
Brain activity is so developed at this point that it is argued that they could even be able to gain knowledge. He/she will be able to recognize your voice clearly, and even react to it. Slow tempo music will relax him, whilst rumbles or heavy sounds can alter him.
Prenatal visits
Month 7 is considered a peaceful stage of pregnancy as regards the number of prenatal tests required. Normally, no ultrasound is carried out, since the third trimester ultrasound scan is performed on month 8. However, in certain particular cases that require a closer monitoring, the pregnant woman might be asked to visit the doctor for an extra ultrasound scan.
As explained above, you must pay special attention to potential preeclampsia signs throughout this month of pregnancy. For this reason, many doctors recommend at least one medical visit during this month in order to measure blood pressure, and check the size and weight. In some cases, a blood test may be required as well.
FAQs from users
What is the position of the baby at 7 months?
He or she is likely to have moved into an anterior position, that is, with the legs bent, the knees close to the chest, and the arms folded. Inside the uterus, he might not have the head down yet, which is the ideal position for labor. Usually, babies settle into this position from week 32-34, although it varies from pregnancy to pregnancy.
I am 7 months pregnant and can't sleep, what should I do?
Obviously, at this gestational age, sleeping face down is impossible. We recommend that you sleep on one side, especially the left side, which eases blood supply to the fetus. Sleeping with your legs bent, using a pillow between them if necessary, is usually the solution for women who suffer from swollen legs during pregnancy.
Is bleeding normal at 7 months pregnant?
Bleeding during pregnancy is not a worrying sign in all cases. However, it is a rare situation in the final stages of pregnancy. For this reason, if you experience a bleeding at 7 months, we strongly recommend that you visit your doctor as soon as possible.
Suggested for you
In week 25 of pregnancy, fetal development focuses basically on cognitive skills and the five senses. You may also enjoy some further information reading this: 25 Weeks Pregnant.
Also, one should know that doing sport even during the third trimester of pregnancy is possible and highly beneficial for pregnant women. Learn more about the many benefits associated here: Physical Activity and Exercise During Pregnancy.
We make a great effort to provide you with the highest quality information.
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FAQs from users: 'What is the position of the baby at 7 months?', 'I am 7 months pregnant and can't sleep, what should I do?' and 'Is bleeding normal at 7 months pregnant?'.