Provided below is an index with the 4 points we are going to expand on in this article.
inviTRA Barcelona Fair (2015)
The International Assisted Reproduction Fair will be held in Barcelona from Friday 8th to Sunday May 10th.
Useful information
How to get there?
The fair will take place at the Hotel Barceló Sants (Plaça dels Països Catalans) in Barcelona.
By subway:
- Line 3: Zona Universitaria - Trinitat Nova
- Line 5: Cornellà Centre - Vall de Hebrón
By suburban trains:
- R2 Sud: St. Vicent Calders / Vilanova - Estació de Francia
- R2: Castelldefels - Granollers Centre
- R2 Nord: Airport - Maçanet-Massanes / Sant Celoni
- R3: L`Hospitalet - Vic
- R4: St. Vicenç Calders / Martorell - Terrassa / Manresa
By regional trains: Euromed, Ave and Talgo from almost all stations in Spain.
The Fertility Fair will be held in Barcelona from Friday 8th to Sunday May 10th.
It will be open from 11:00 to 20:30 from Friday to Sunday with an exhibition and talks (on Saturday and Sunday).
The press will be welcomed during the inauguration (Friday from 11:00am to 4:00pm).
It should be noted that, except during the inauguration, it will not be permitted to record or take photographs in order to protect the privacy of visitors to the fair.
How do I get a ticket?
To get your ticket, all you have to do is go to Ticketea from the 7th of January.
Entrance is totally free.
A space for information and exchange
The aim of this fair is to inform about fertility problems, share but also propose solutions through discussion on assisted reproduction techniques. Among the exhibitors, you will find clinics (with which you can exchange directly), associations, specialists and psychologists.
Therefore, conferences will be organized and here is the program:
Saturday May, 9th
- 12:30pm to 1:25pm: Choosing a Fertility Clinic
- 1:30pm to 2:25pm: Surrogacy in U.S.A.
- from 2:30pm to 3:30pm: Study of fertility and ovarian reserve
- 4:30pm to 5:25pm: Semen quality can be improved
- 5:30pm to 6:25pm: Necessary steps for assisted reproduction
- 6:30pm to 5:25pm: Couple of lesbians or single women: options for conceiving
Sunday May, 10th
- 11:30am to 12:25pm: Maternity from the age of 40
- 1:30pm to 2:25pm: IA, IVF, ICSI, in which cases is each technique applied?
- 3:30pm to 16:25pm: Impact of stress on fertility
- 5:30pm to 6:25pm: How to Get Ready for Gamete Donation Treatment
- 6:30pm to 7:25pm: Benefits of the Natural Approach to Assisted Reproduction
Conferences at exhibitors' stands Saturday May, 9th
- from 11:30am to 1:25pm: Conference by Madres Solteras por Elección (Single Mothers by Choice)
- from 2:00pm to 2:25pm: Reading of the book Nora and Zoe
- from 2:30pm to 14:55pm: Reading of the book of GPS pour la Cigogne
- from 3:00pm to 3:55pm: Conference by Anne-Laure Gandara
- from 4:00pm to 4:25pm: Reading of book Mare de Lloguer, un estel d'esperança (Mother of Hire, a star of hope)
- 4:30pm to 5:25pm: Conference by Son Nuestros Hijos (They Are Our Children)
- 5:30pm to 5:55pm: Reading of the book New Genealogies
Sunday May, 10th
- 11:10am to 11:55am: Conference by Gay Positius
- 12:10pm to 12:55pm: Conference by Asociación de Endometriosis de Barcelona
- 1:00pm to 1:55pm: Conference by Asociación Española de Síndrome de Ovario Poliquístico
- 2:00pm to 2:25pm: Book Reading Reproducción Asistida y Terapia Gestalt (Assisted Reproduction and Gestalt Therapy)
International fair inviTRA Madrid (2014)
This fair took place in Madrid from 14 to 16 November 2014.
It brought together assisted reproduction clinics, international surrogacy agencies, lawyers, legal advisors or psychologists' offices specialized in fertility problems.
International fair inviTRA Valencia (2013)
It was the first fair dedicated to assisted reproduction in Spain.
This fair took place in Valencia from 18 to 20 November 2013.
Jacqueline de la Vega, a Mexican celebrity, was the godmother of the event and moved the audience by talking about the difficulties she ran into when she suffered from her infertility problems.
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