Michelle Emblenton, a biochemist at inviTRA, tells us about the success rate of artificial insemination with donor sperm in women over 40 years old:
After the age of 40, a woman will find it more difficult to get pregnant using this technique, as the quantity and quality of her egg cells will be decreasing. Also, the accumulative genetic damage and chromosomal abnormalities mean that there is a greater chance of miscarriage should she get pregnant. This doesn't mean it is impossible, but just less likely and, as a result, other techniques may be recommended for you. Donor IUI is usually recommended for women under the age of 35.
Read the full article on: Donor intrauterine insemination: What is it and how much is it? ( 76).
Michelle Lorraine Embleton
B.Sc. Ph.D.
PhD in Biochemistry, University of Bristol, UK, specialising in DNA : protein intereactions. BSc honours degree in Molecular Biology, Univerisity of Bristol. Translation and editing of scientific and medical literature.