Some studies state that PCOS patients have a higher risk of miscarriage than the general population, with miscarriage rates between 30 and 50%. These figures are 3 times higher than those of healthy women.
In fact, it has been found that women who have suffered repeated miscarriages for no apparent reason have a higher risk of miscarriage:
- Higher blood levels of testosterone
- Higher concentrations of the hormone LH
Precisely these two aspects are very characteristic of PCOS, which is why it is believed that they could be the cause of the higher rate of miscarriage observed in this pathology.
On the other hand, once pregnancy is achieved, women with PCOS are more prone to suffer complications during gestation. Some of them are:
- Premature delivery
- Gestational diabetes
- Preeclampsia
- Low fetal birth weight
- Cesarean delivery

All these possible complications mean that many of the pregnancies of women with PCOS are considered high-risk pregnancies, since, as we have seen, they present many more associated problems than in a normal case.