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Issues that make it difficult to go through several fertility treatments

Issues that make it difficult to go through several fertility treatments

When a woman or couple resorts to assisted reproduction, they are faced with a host of emotions and feelings that were previously unknown and that can be difficult to manage: fear of the new, uncertainty until the results of the treatment are known, disappointment if the treatment has not been successful... However, the wear and tear of an assisted reproduction treatment is also physical due to the different visits to the clinic, the needle pricks required for the hormone treatment...

On the other hand, it is also important to mention the financial drain after several fertility treatments, as the cost is high.

Finally, many patients go through their reproductive treatment without telling their family and/or friends. It may even happen that there is a lack of communication between the couple that leads to problems in the relationship.

By (psychologist), (embryologist), (gynecologist), (embryologist) and .
Last Update: 04/13/2023