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How is male infertility caused by Y chromosome microdeletions?

Aurea García Segovia B.Sc., M.Sc.

 Aurea García Segovia B.Sc., M.Sc.

Educational background

  • Master in Assisted Human Reproduction at the Complutense University of Madrid (2009-2010)
  • Specialist in Clinical Immunology. Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón.
  • Diploma of Advanced Studies from the Autonomous University of Madrid (2002-2003)
  • Degree in Biological Sciences, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from the Autonomous University of Madrid (1995-2000)

Professional experience

  • Laboratory Director and Embryologist at HM Fertility Center Montepríncipe (Nov 2022-Present)
  • Embryologist and Laboratory Manager at Ovoclinic Madrid (June 2021-Oct 2022)
  • Sef-UCM Magister Professor at the Complutense University of Madrid (Nov 2015-Present)
  • Laboratory Director at Sanitas (Feb 2014-2021)
  • Senior Embryologist at Tambre (Nov 2006 - Jan 2014)
  • Resident Internal Biologist at the Hospital Universitario Gregorio Marañón (Jul 2001-Jul 2005)

Honors and awards

  • Master Professor in Assisted Human Reproduction SEF (Complutense University of Madrid (2015-Present)
  • Co-director Course on Reproductive Immunology. Tambre Foundation (October 2012)
  • Continued Internal Training Courses at Clínica Tambre (2006 – 2013)
  • Official College of Biologists of Madrid (COBM)
  • Spanish Fertility Society (SEF)
  • European Society of Reproduction Immunology (ESRI)

Scientific community involvement

Aurea has participated in several scientific publications. Some of them are the following:

  • New Decision-Tree Model for Defining the Risk of Reproductive Failure”. Ramos-Medina R, García-Segovia A, León JA, Alonso B, Tejera-Alhambra M, Gil J, Caputo JD, Seyfferth A, Aguarón A, Vicente A, Ordoñez D, Alonso J, de Albornoz EC, Carbone J, Caballero P, Fernandez-Cruz E, Ortiz-Quintana L, Sánchez- Ramón S. Am J Reprod Immunol. 2013 Marzo 11.
  • “Inmunodeficiencias Congénitas y Adquiridas”. ISBN: 978841019271. Ed. Marbán. 2013
  • “Endometrial expression of selected genes in patients achieving pregnancy spontaneously or after ICSI and patients failing at least two ICSI cycles.” Allegra A, Marino A, Peregrín PC, Lama A, 4. García-Segovia A, Forte GI, Núñez-Calonge R, Agueli C, Mazzola S, Volpes A.Reprod Biomed Online. 2012 Nov; 25(5):481-91.
  • “Intravenous immunoglobulin treatment increased live birth rate in a Spanish cohort of women with recurrent reproductive failure and expanded CD56 (+) cells.” Moraru M, Carbone J, Alecsandru D, Castillo-Rama M, García-Segovia A, Gil J, Alonso B, Aguarón A, Ramos-Medina R, Martínez de María J, Oliver-Miñarro D, Rodríguez-Mahou M, Ortega V, Caballero P, Meliá E, Vidal J, Cianchetta-Sivori M, Esteban C, Vargas-Henny L, Dale J, Ortiz-Quintana L, Fernández-Cruz E, Sánchez-Ramón S. Am J Reprod Immunol. 2012 Jul; 68(1):75-84.
  • “Microenvironment effect on thawed embryos: comparison between incubators with different oxygen levels.” Susana Cortés, Clara Luna, Aurea García Segovia, Consuelo Muñoz, Andrés Guijarro, Rocío Núñez, Pedro Caballero-Peregrín. Revista Iberoamericana de Fertilidad y Reproducción Humana | Vol. 29 nº 2 Abril-Mayo-Junio 2012.
  • -"Defining risk for recurrent gestational failure by blood natural killer cells subsets.”R. Ramos- Medina, A. García Segovia, A. Aguaron, M. Tejera-Alhambra, J. Gil, B. Alonso, J.L. Vicario, M. Rodriguez- Mahou, J. Carbone, J.A. Leon, V. Ortega, L. Fatima, A. Seyfferth, M. Caballero, J. Alonso, E. Marbán, J.D. Caputo, P. Caballero, E. Fernandez-Cruz, S. Sánchez-Ramón, et al. Journal of Reproductive Immunology, Volume 94, Issue 1, May 2012, Page 23.
  • “Increased prevalence of undiagnosed celiac disease among women with recurrent pregnancy loss: experience in Spain” J M. Tejera-Alhambra, R. Ramos-Medina, A. García Segovia, M. Rodríguez-Mahou, î Aguarón, L. Herráiz Nicuesa, J. Gil, B. Alonso, J.A. León, E. Fernández-Cruz, S. Sánchez- Ramón. Journal of Reproductive Immunology, Volume 94, Issue 1, May 2012, Page 112

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