Educational background
- Postgraduate degree at The Queen Medical Research Institute in Edinburgh, Great Britain
- PhD in Medicine from the University of Valencia with a dissertation with European certification (European PhD Program)
- Master's Degree in Assisted Reproduction from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid
- Diploma in Methodology and Research from the Autonomous University of Barcelona
- Specialist in Obstetrics and Gynecology from the University Hospital Virgen Macarena de Seville
- Graduate in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Seville
Professional experience
- Professor of the Master's Degree in Human Reproduction of the Rey Juan Carlos I University of Madrid
- Assistant Professor at the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemical Engineering of the Pablo de Olavide University
- Assistant Professor of Biomedicine in University of Seville
Honors and awards
- Selected for ESHRE (the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology). Awards on three occasions, 2006, 2006 y 2009.
- Member of the Royal Academy of Medicine in Seville.
- Awarded by the Andalusian Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics, 2008.
- Awarded twice by the Royal Academy of Medicine in Seville, 2006 and 2009.
- Awarded by the Sociedad Española de Fertilidad (Spanish Society of Fertility), 2006.
Scientific community involvement
- Over 20 research articles published in international journals such as: Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, Human Reproduction, Fertility and Sterility, Expert Reviews of Obstetrics and Gynacology, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, International Journal of Surgery, Journal of Andrology, Human Fertility, Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology, Open Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Reproduction andFertility and Development, among others.
- National Coordinator of the GISE (Embryonic Health Interest Group) of the SEF, 2010-2014. Coordinator of the Spanish Fertility Society task force of Embryo Health from 2010-2014.
Latest articles and collaborations
- Embryo transfer: How many embryos should be transferred in IVF?
- What differs in pregnancy with fraternal twins or identical twins?
- Multiple pregnancies and assisted reproduction: the pros and cons
Latest replies to FAQs
- How can multiple pregnancy from assisted reproductive technology be prevented?
- Which specific risks or dangers are involved in a multiple pregnancy?
- Some patients think that transferring multiple embryos increases the chances for success. Are they right?
- In the United States, for instance, there is no limit regarding the number of embryos to transfer. Where do you stand on this?
Last Update: 08/01/2018