Michelle Emblenton, biochemist at inviTRA, tells us the ideal age to test for anti-mullerian hormone levels:
Well, AMH is an indicator of your ovarian reserve, since it is produced by the developing eggs within the ovary. It's a good idea to get this measured from your early 20s to give you an idea of what your ovarian reserve is. Preferably, when the woman is not older than 30. If you are young and show a diminished ovarian reserve, it gives you chance to look at fertility preservation, whereby you can freeze some of your eggs for later use in life if you decide to become a mother later in life and are worried that you won't have the required ovarian reserve in which to become pregnant.
Read the full article on: Anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH): its use in the study of fertility ( 38).
Michelle Lorraine Embleton
B.Sc. Ph.D.
PhD in Biochemistry, University of Bristol, UK, specialising in DNA : protein intereactions. BSc honours degree in Molecular Biology, Univerisity of Bristol. Translation and editing of scientific and medical literature.