This means that the contraceptive will not influence the ovarian reserve or future fertility, either one way or the other.
It will not damage the ovary, reducing the oocyte reserve. Likewise, it will not increase the time to menopause by preventing ovulation and thus ovarian expenditure. These statements are simply not true.
On the other hand, it is true that some women, after taking a contraceptive continuously and suppressing their hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian hormonal axis for years, may experience amenorrhea and anovulatory cycles (absence of periods and ovulation) up to a few months after stopping this mediation, but this does not really influence fertility in the medium to long term, and the menstrual cycle recovers in a few months. It is probably this fact that is the basis for the unfounded fear present in popular culture about a possible decrease in fertility after taking contraceptives.
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