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Does IVF pregnancy require special care?

By Gustavo Daniel Carti M.D. (gynecologist on Juaneda Fertility Center).
Last Update: 11/24/2021

Pregnancies achieved with fertility treatments have no greater risk of complications than any other.

The precautions are no different from those of any pregnant woman, including the continuation of sexual activity. Once the embryo has implanted, the risks of a pregnancy achieved through IVF are no different than any other. In addition, the recommendations and special care will be more related to the woman's age, in cases of advanced age, and/or history of previous pathologies.

 Gustavo Daniel  Carti
Gustavo Daniel Carti
Gynecologist on Juaneda Fertility Center
Dr. Gustavo Daniel Carti has a degree in medicine and specialized in obstetrics and gynecology from the University of Buenos Aires.
Licence number: 07/0711274
Gynecologist. Dr. Gustavo Daniel Carti has a degree in medicine and specialized in obstetrics and gynecology from the University of Buenos Aires. Licence number: 07/0711274.