Michelle Emblenton, biochemist at inviTRA,
When a woman is selected to be an egg donor, the egg donation process can begin. This may happen that the woman donates her eggs in coordination with fresh cycles, so the process of ovarian stimulation and collecting the eggs in an egg retrieval process, the eggs will then go straight for an IVF fertilization to create embryos which will be transferred into the recipient woman. It is also possible that the eggs, once they have been retrieved from the donor, could be vitrified, which means they are frozen with cryoprotectants and cryopreserved in storage for use at a later date. In an anonymous egg donation the donor will not know the recipient and the recipient will not know the donor. The recipient may be given basic information such as eye color, hair color, height... but they will not receive any information that could allow them to identify the donor. It is the medical team themselves that will select the donor for the recipient.