According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the characteristics that should present the ideal sperm, that is, with an excellent morphology are the following:
- Oval head and regular contour
- Single straight tail
- Fixed nucleus
- Transparent color
In principle, all sperm that meet these requirements have the capacity to fertilize the egg and lead to a viable pregnancy.
Read the full article on: What is teratozoospermia? Its causes, diagnosis and treatment ( 101).

Zaira Salvador
B.Sc., M.Sc.
Bachelor's Degree in Biotechnology from the Technical University of Valencia (UPV). Biotechnology Degree from the National University of Ireland en Galway (NUIG) and embryologist specializing in Assisted Reproduction, with a Master's Degree in Biotechnology of Human Reproduction from the University of Valencia (UV) and the Valencian Infertility Institute (IVI)
License: 3185-CV