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When is the use of donated sperm required?

By Mónica Aura Masip M.D., M.Sc. (gynecologist).
Last Update: 07/12/2022

The use of banked sperm is required in situations of severe male infertility: very low semen quality or with parameters well below normal and/or poor results in previous in vitro fertilization cycles.

In addition, the use of donor sperm is also indicated in situations where there is an absence of sperm in the ejaculate and in testicular biopsy (secretory azoospermia) or when the man is a carrier of a hereditary genetic disease.

Other indications for the use of donor sperm are when there is no male partner, such as women who choose to become single mothers or for female couples who wish to have a child together.

 Mónica  Aura Masip
Mónica Aura Masip
M.D., M.Sc.
Dr. Mónica Aura has a degree in Medicine and General Surgery from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB). She is also a specialist in Gynecology and Obstetrics from the Hospital de Santa Creu y Sant Pau and has a Master's degree in Human Assisted Reproduction from the University Juan Carlos I of Madrid and another in Health Center Management from the UB.
Licence number: 31588
Gynecologist. Dr. Mónica Aura has a degree in Medicine and General Surgery from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB). She is also a specialist in Gynecology and Obstetrics from the Hospital de Santa Creu y Sant Pau and has a Master's degree in Human Assisted Reproduction from the University Juan Carlos I of Madrid and another in Health Center Management from the UB. Licence number: 31588.