Ovodonation is a process in which a healthy donor is selected, a maximum of 35 years old, who altruistically and anonymously donates her eggs to a patient with similar phenotypic characteristics.
All the aspects involved in this process must be taken into account. On the one hand, the study carried out on the selected donor, which includes general analyses, fertility tests, psychological interview, cognitive level evaluation and genetic tests.
Therefore, ovodonation is a treatment that requires a very high level study of the donors. After having invested a lot of resources, it may happen that some tests cause us to reject the donor.
On the other hand, among those who are considered suitable for egg donation, treatment and controls must be carried out during the treatment, which also entails high costs for the clinic.
Finally, this treatment must be carried out with precision, trying to coordinate donor and recipient and to perform both puncture and transfer at the most appropriate moment. For all these reasons, the costs may be higher than in other treatments.
However, it must be taken into account that the success rate is high, and can exceed 65% per embryo transferred.