Esther Marbán, a gynaecologist specialising in fertility at the Tambre clinic in Madrid, tells us whether the baby will resemble the mother in a single motherhood:
Well, everything will depend on the kind of treatment the patient is undergoing. I mean, if the patient is using her eggs, of course the baby will be like more similar to the patient. If the patient is undergoing a different treatment, of course we will also try to find the perfect donor for each patient, but it would be a different treatment and, of course, the chances of having a a very similar baby could be decreased because of that. But, in the end, as I mentioned, first we try to do our best in finding the best donor for each patient and, apart from that, there's something that which is called epigenetics, that are the small changes the DNA may have in the patients uterus, that can also make that the baby could be also quite similar to her mother. So, in the end, there are like different biological processes by which the the baby can be similar to the mother.