In countries such as Spain, choosing the gender of a baby is not allowed. The only case in which it could be an option is when there exists the risk of passing a genetic abnormality to offspring.
For this reason, sex selection is one of the causes that lead to reproductive tourism, that, is to undergo infertility treatment abroad. Countries such as Belgium, the USA, or Mexico allow this treatment for family balancing.
Read the full article on: What Is Fertility Tourism? – Costs, Benefits & Best Countries ( 70).
By Javier Díaz García-Donato M.D., Ph.D. (gynecologist), Joel G. Brasch M.D. (gynecologist), Mark P. Trolice M.D., F.A.C.O.G., F.A.C.S., F.A.C.E. (reproductive endocrinologist), Zaira Salvador B.Sc., M.Sc. (embryologist) and Sandra Fernández B.A., M.A. (fertility counselor).
Last Update: 06/16/2017