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Pregnancy tips for a new mother

Pregnancy tips for a new mother

A new mother may have certain doubts and insecurities from the moment she becomes pregnant or even before, since being a mother carries a great responsibility and fears are greater when you are a mother for the first time. Therefore, there are some recommendations and tips that will be useful to keep in mind when you are looking for pregnancy and during gestation:

  • Go to a preconception visit with the specialist.
  • Have healthy habits.
  • Eat small but frequent meals to alleviate digestive discomfort typical of pregnancy.
  • Do physical exercise adapted to pregnancy and take care of your posture.
  • Do not self-medicate.
  • Go to prenatal check-ups.
  • Ask your specialist if you have any doubts.
  • Rest.
  • Prepare everything you need for when the baby arrives.

However, every woman and every pregnancy is different, so you should always follow the specialist's instructions, since he is the one who best knows the particular situation of the first-time pregnant woman.

By (embryologist).
Last Update: 08/07/2024