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Alta Bates IVF experience

Alta Bates IVF experience

  1. <span  class="bbp-author-name">orange</span>

    Hi everyone.

    We’re a female same-sex couple and looking for third-party reproduction, either insemination with donor sperm or IVF with donor sperm depending on what the doctor says.

    Can anyone here tell how your experience was at this center? We’re also open to recommendations of other Californian fertility clinics.

    05/01/2020 at 11:37 am
  2. Hi!

    I’m in the same boat. My partner and I are also considering fertility treatment, so I will follow this thread. We are from Berkeley, by the way, and would be glad to hear about suggestions for centers in this area and stories of Alta Bates IVF.

    05/05/2020 at 7:22 pm
  3. Hi ladies

    There exist three main fertility options for women in a lesbian relationship to have a child, all of them obviously with donor sperm.

    The first is artificial insemination, in which case they have to decide which one is going to undergo the treatment. There is the possibility that both of them do so, too, by means of reciprocal in vitro fertilization. On the other hand, traditional adoption is another option.

    Which one finally suits best depends on various factors such as pre-existing sterility problems, legal framework and if both want to participate in the conception, etc. In order for you to get more information about which treatment options exist, I suggest you read this post: Baby Options for Lesbian Couples.

    Apart from this, I invite you to have a look at the clinic profile of Alta Bates In Vitro Fertilization Program, so you get to know their treatment range, information about fertility tests, ART success rates, and much more.

    Last but not least, feeling comfortable in a fertility clinic is very important. Undergoing any kind of fertility treatment is a hard road and can be emotionally very exhausting, so try to avoid any additional inconvenience. For this reason, from inviTRA we always advise you to visit at least two or three fertility clinics before deciding so that you can compare your impressions of each one. In our clinic directory, you will be able to obtain information about the centers in your area you are interested in and make a comparison between the Bloom Fertility Institute and the Arizona Reproductive Institute. Here is the link: Fertility Centers in California.

    Hope this helps the two of you,

    wish you all the best.

    05/20/2020 at 9:45 am
    • Hi Romina.

      Thank you very much for your extensive answer. I looked through the clinic profile and it says something about female fertility testing. What can I exactly expect? Is this similar to a gynecological consultation?

      05/27/2020 at 10:22 pm
    • Hi orange

      Women can undergo a series of tests to know if they are infertile or not.

      Among the most common fertility tests for women available nowadays, we can find the hysterosalpingography (HSG) or uterosalpingography in order to check tubal patency, a hormone analysis to check your egg count as well as other gynecological tests which consist of pelvic ultrasound and a pap-smear test.

      Additionally, there are complementary diagnostic treatments such as karyotyping in order to discard the possibility of a chromosomal alteration.

      For more detailed information about the female fertility study, I recommend you this post: Female Fertility Tests- How Do You Know If You Can’t Get Pregnant?

      Hope this helps,


      05/28/2020 at 12:01 pm