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Donating eggs to a friend or family member and then to strangers

Donating eggs to a friend or family member and then to strangers

  1. <span  class="bbp-author-name">Bree brown</span>
    Bree brown

    Hello ladies, just wondering… anyone here donated to a friend and/or family member and then gone on to do more donations to strangers? You see, I donated to a friend last year and the experience was overall fantastic… Now I’ve become a part of some FB groups on egg donation and I feel like I might like to donate again, but this time anonymously. How was your experience? I mean, it seems very different to me… donating to someone you don’t already know. First of all, is it possible here in the US?

    06/20/2016 at 12:12 pm
  2. Hello Bree,

    It is wonderful that you feel drawn to help others create a family, but you should consider the potential risks of egg donation, especially if you wish to donate eggs more than once, that is, to become a repetitive oocyte donor. The main risks egg donation involves for a donor are: controlled ovarian stimulation (COS), oocyte retrieval procedure, and anesthesia, among others.

    Also, inadvertent consanguinity resulting from egg donation could happen in the same donor has donated to two or more families, and the children were unaware of their genetic heritage. In this sense, the ASRM has advised an arbitrary limit of no more than 25 pregnancies per sperm donor in a population of 800,000. This is not so easy when it comes to oocyte donation, as it is a more complex process and may result in cyropreserved embryos, with the subsequent unpredictable number of pregnancies over a long time period.

    I hope I have been able to help,

    Best regards

    06/21/2016 at 12:44 pm
    • Hello Bree, I think donating eggs to strangers would be easier than doing it for close friends or family members, as there wouldn’t be as much of an emotional connection. What do you think? I donated once to someone I didn’t know at first… but then I got to know the couple very well as time went on.

      07/11/2016 at 9:59 am
  3. Hello ladies, I actually think it would be very much harder for me if I had to donate to someone already known in my existing family or friendship group… this is just my opinion. Anyway I donated to someone I didn’t know at first but finally we became friends… 🙂

    07/12/2016 at 5:52 pm
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