Hello, I hope you can be of assistance for us, because I’m really worried about my daughter. I’m 47 and she’s 23. She’s just had my cute grandson, and though I’m extremely happy, I’m concerned because she’s not only a first-time mom but also a single mom. The father didn’t want to talk to her anymore as soon as he found out she was pregnant, and of course doesn’t want the baby. My daughter has been sad throughout her whole pregnancy. I thought she would be happier once the baby was born, and now that we’ve got him at home, she continues to show depression signs. I honestly think this is a case of postpartum depression, what do you think?
11/15/2015 at 12:27 pmHello penny_melody,
According to statistics, 1 in 7 women suffer from postpartum depression (PPD). In this case, the situation is even more difficult because of being a single mom and the fact that the father left. Commonly, women in this situation do not realize it is a case of postpartum depression, but it is someone close to her who observes some signs of potential postnatal depression. Although it is a time of happiness, feeling kind of blue during the first few days or weeks following childbirth does not mean it is a case of depression. In other words, some degree of emotional vulnerability is expected after childbirth, mainly because having a baby means a huge change in your lifestyle.
The following are the most common signs of postpartum depression:
– Difficulty concentrating
– Hypersensitivity and/or irritability
– Anxiety and worry most of the time
– Crying (or tearfulness)
– Anger and other negative feelings, e.g. sadness, helplessness, hopelessness, or even guilt.
– Loss of interest in activities you usually enjoy
– Trouble sleeping
– Exhaustion
– Fatigue
– Changes in eating habits
– Backaches, stomachaches, headaches, etc.Besides, usually women suffering from PPD think they don’t qualify for taking care of their baby, and therefore believe they may harm him/her or at least can’t adequately care for him/her.
If your daughter presents some or all the above mentioned symptoms or thinks she may hurt the baby or herself, or she is incapable of taking care of the newborn, my advice is that you seek professional counseling immediately.
Best wishes and thank you for getting involved
12/16/2015 at 12:52 pmSo, you became a mother. The joy of relatives raged, all the flowers died a long time ago, with which the happy father met you from the hospital. Strong weekdays began. Days, filled to the last minute with children’s weeping, washing, ironing, cleaning and cooking.
Why do we need to fight depression?
First, not only you is suffering, but also a child. After all, the baby, in spite of the fact that she/he is very small, also feels that he is a stranger to you. So, you do not have an emotional contact. And its so important at this tender age. It was found that maternal postpartum depression affects the child negatively. Especially on the formation of a sense of security, internal mechanisms of self-defense. As well as concentration, development of speech.
Secondly, there is no assistance on the part and your own internal reserves to deal with depression. Then it will not “resolve” by itself. On the contrary, your condition will only get worse every day. Remember the stories of moms and grandmothers about how they remember the first year of their child (especially the first child) as a nightmare? A nightmare can last from several days to several years. And the longer it lasts, the more it affects all aspects of family life.07/11/2017 at 1:46 pmHello and welcome at this open online platform. I want to congratulation for your pregnancy at first time. It is very horrible to handle this unforgettable moment without stress and depression in your life. It is good sign that you are aware about your health that create win-win situation for you and your baby in many ways.
I want to suggest you to follow these powerful tips and tricks to overcome this difficult situation in medical way. I want to forget those days of my life that are full of stress and depression that ruins my life day by day. I want to overcome this difficult situation at any cost. The first and foremost thing you should adopt in your life with early morning walk and easy exercise to provide proper blood supply to all reproduction system. You can easily overcome stress and depression with appropriate yoga and meditation that is most popular and reliable way all over the world to handle this difficult situation to maintain your body and mind in balance to get full relaxation. It is medical certified fact that you can handle this difficult situation with positive attitude toward nice that provide sufficient energy to face this horrible problem. It is very important to provide proper nutrition to your body. I am one of the lucky women who overcome stress and depression in my life with appropriate planning. I hope my valuable suggestion help you to overcome this difficult situation. I am waiting for your reply to hear good news on to enjoy this unforgettable moment with healthy baby gift.09/16/2017 at 11:51 amHi penny_melody. I am very happy for you and for your daughter as she has giver birth to a baby. Having a baby is a very big responsibility. You have given birth to a new life and you need to do everything to take care of them until they are old enough to take their care themselves. It is a very big change in a females life when she has a baby and especially foe a single mom. As the father is not there so she has to face all the problems alone and to fulfill double responsibility. Every time it is not the postpartum depression if a mother shows some signs of depression. Postpartum depression has some different symptoms and the depression in your case is also due to some particular reasons. Every single mom is worried when she gives birth to the baby and she knows that she has to go on alone as the father of the child will not be their to support them. I think your daughter is worried about such things which are causing her to be depressed. I have seen many women who get depressed due to these reasons and always its not the postpartum depression. It is the nature of a mother worried for the baby and her self when the father is not there. Your daughter needs to be happy for the child and let things go now. what was to happen has happened. Nothing will change now until the father feels care for them and comes back. Because a depression in the early few weeks or months will cause her to distract attention from her baby and it will have a negative effect on the baby. For your concern and help I am mentioning a few symptoms of Postpartum depression. Anxiety, crying, exhaustion, fatigue, problem in sleeping, anger, sadness, feeling hopeless and a few more such symptoms are involves. I hope i will be helpful for you. Try to be her support and strength. It will give her a lot of relief. Take care.
09/25/2017 at 7:36 pm
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