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Cure of oligoasthenozoospermia

Cure of oligoasthenozoospermia

  1. seenu

    i got married one year ago.. No fertility still.
    Recently I did a semen analysis… Report contains:
    volume: 3.0
    colour: grayish white
    appearance: Viscid
    liquefaction time: 50 min
    chemical examination: reaction ph: alkaline (8.0)
    fructose: Present
    Microscopic examination:
    pus cells 5-8/hpf
    epithelial cells: Absent
    Normal forms 60%
    abnormal forms 40%
    motility at one hour
    active 40%
    sluggish 10%
    non motile 50%

    sperm concentration 34.6 mill/mL
    total sperm count 103..8 mill/ejaculate

    Impression: Oligoasthenozoospermia

    This is my report… please let me know if it is a serious condition.. Does it affect sperm count and motility?

    Thank you sir/madam

    07/13/2018 at 7:08 am
  2. Hello srinivasarao a,

    Yes, oligoasthenozoospermia is a sperm disorder that affects sperm count and sperm motility. It can be treated naturally with a healthier diet that includes high amounts of vitamin C, B12 and E, as well as folic acid, among others.

    If natural remedies don’t work, intrauterine insemination or IVF with ICSI can help you fulfill your dream of becoming parents.

    Read more: What Is Oligoasthenozoospermia?

    I hope this helps,


    07/16/2018 at 10:44 am
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