Hello, we are a lesbian couple ready to grow our family. We have been investigating the ways to do this and I think we landed on Reciprocal IVF. We both want to be a part of the process and definitely, this is the best procedure. We are kind of afraid of the whole process and don´t know how to face it. We found this clinic that offers it but are not sure how to go about it. Does anyone have any input or tips? They would be greatly appreciated! TIA
02/25/2022 at 8:41 amHi ?, my husband (trans man) and I went thru reciprocal IVF 5 months ago, wow it was a journey. We knew we needed some help to conceive and were thrilled to find out that this existed we could both contribute to the baby-making hahaha. It was pretty cool going thru the getting ready to conceive process. Many needles and pokes but it was weirdly fun. Sadly we didn´t get it right the first cycle and I didn´t get pregnant, but my husband could get 5 mature eggs so we had some frozen ones for future cycles. We tried the second and third months and nothing but finally, we transferred the last two embryos and good grief they both stuck. I am now pregnant and my family is growing by two pairs of feet! Good luck girls!! It is worth it in the end.
02/26/2022 at 5:19 pmHello Lakisha,
Reciprocal IVF is a technique in which both partners effectively contribute to the reproductive process of the family. The egg of one partner, fertilized with donor sperm, is implanted in the uterus of the other partner. I am the one who will carry the pregnancy to term.
For this to be possible, different phases and interventions must take place. I recommend that you read the following article where we explain the Reciprocal IVF process: What is reciprocal IVF? – Everything you need to know.
I hope everything goes well!
Best regards
02/28/2022 at 5:28 pm