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Undergoing IUI/ICSI/IVF without ovulation induction

Undergoing IUI/ICSI/IVF without ovulation induction

  1. <span  class="bbp-author-name">Aagam</span>

    Hi there! My husband is 45 and he’s been diagnosed with severe oligospermia… We’ve been Ttc our 2nd child for +2 years without luck, and after many fertility tests there’s no detectable problem so ours is a case of unexplained infertility. Apparently I’ve a progesterone deficiency, currently taking Duphaston. I’ve found some useful info on your website and now what I want to know is whether in the case of male factor infertility I would need to undergo ovarian stimulation for IUI, IVF or ICSI – still don’t know what would be the most suitable treatment for us. In case I have no choice, could it be a mild stimulation? Thank you very much!

    05/22/2016 at 9:36 pm
  2. Hello Aagam,

    Given that it is a case of severe oligospermia, achieving success by means of IUI would be difficult. So, the most appropriate treatment in this case would be IVF with ICSI.

    If you don’t suffer from infertility and have a good ovarian reserve, then the answer to your question is yes, you could undergo mild ovarian stimulation.

    But even in a mild version, I’m afraid ovulation induction is a required step in every IVF/ICSI procedure, as the production of multiple eggs is necessary to increase the chances of obtaining a viable embryo, with good implantation potential.

    I hope this helps,

    Best regards

    05/27/2016 at 10:13 am