Certified Medical Magazine by WMA, ACSA
What are the chances of having a premature baby?

What are the chances of having a premature baby?

  1. <span  class="bbp-author-name">S. N. A.</span>
    S. N. A.

    I was born when my mother was just 37 weeks pregnant. Besides, since I was born in summer time, I wasn’t even transported to the incubator. I grew up strong and healthy right away so everything was perfect luckily. Now I’m 21 weeks pregnant and to be honest I’m afraid the same happens to me so… what are in general for every woman the chances of having a premature baby? Thanks.

    09/09/2015 at 9:54 am
  2. Having been a premature baby is not hereditary, that is to say, the fact that you were a premature baby does not mean that you will have a premature baby whatsoever. Don’t make excessive physical efforts during the last weeks and don’t miss any prenatal control.

    09/09/2015 at 1:56 pm
  3. There is no guarantee that you may or may not have a premature baby. But still you can do the following to decrease the risk:
    • Do not smoke, drink alcohol or even use illegal drugs. All these factors are linked to an increased possibility of a premature birth.
    • Try to keep on a healthy weight and continue a healthy lifestyle. Either being underweight or even overweight raises your risk of ramifications. Finally, this could lead to premature delivery.

    07/18/2017 at 12:28 pm