License: 282842556
Educational background
- Subspecialist in Assisted Reproduction from Yale University (USA), 1998
- Graduate in Medicine and Surgery from the Autonomous University, 1995
- Intern specialist at Obstetrics & Gynecology at La Paz Hospital, 1992-1995
- Graduate in Medicine from the Complutense University of Madrid, 1990
Professional experience
- Director of the Expert Group in Reproduction Nursing at the Rey Juan Carlos University
- Director of the Master's Degree in Assisted Reproduction
- Main Lecturer of Gynecology at the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid
- Fellowship at Yale University
- Consultant and Director at IVI Madrid
Honors and awards
- Awarded by SEF (The Spanish Fertility Society) (1999 y 2009), SEGO (The Spanish Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics) (1997) and ESHRE (the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology) (2011)
Scientific community involvement
- Deputy Coordinator del Special Interest Group en Endocrinología de la Reproducción de la ESHRE
- Member of the Advisory Committee of the ESHRE and the Publications Committee of the ESHRE
- Member of the Board of the SEF (2006-2010)
- 110 scientific articles, 22 chapters and 4 books
- Main researcher in projects funded by the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Health
- Co-Editor of the English Journal Reproductive BioMedicine Online
Latest articles and collaborations
- Sperm freezing: indications, process, result and price
- An analysis of success rates in assisted reproduction treatments
- How many attempts is it advisable to make in assisted reproduction?
- Ovarian stimulation protocols - process, medications and symptoms
- Testicular Cancer: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment.
- What Is Ovarian Tissue Transplantation?
- How does Cancer affect Fertility in Men and Women?
Latest replies to FAQs
- What is the maximum number of IVF attempts a woman can have?
- How is it possible to improve the stimulation process and along what lines are you working in this direction?
- What are the optimal conditions or requirements for a patient undergoing an IVF cycle?
- How long can frozen sperm be stored?
- There exist different fertility preservation options for males who have been diagnosed with cancer. What method is being currently used before undergoing a cancer treatment?
- Once the cancer has been overcome and the quality of the semen is low, would conventional IVF be recommended or would it be passed directly to an ICSI?
- How do treatments such as chemotherapy or radiation therapy affect a person's fertility?
- For many cancer patients it is necessary to preserve fertility. When should this decision be made?
- What possibilities does reproductive medicine offer for preserving fertility in cancer patients?
- How should one act or what guidelines can be followed in the case of cancer in a patient of reproductive age?
- If cancer occurs in a pregnant woman, what are the chances of treating the disease during pregnancy?
- Can ICSI be considered more effective than conventional in vitro fertilization?
- What options does a woman have when she does not achieve pregnancy through IVF?
Last Update: 08/01/2018