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Could a blastocyst transfer with PGD help prevent implantation failure?

By Ana Mª Villaquirán Villalba M.D., M.Sc. (gynecologist on Next Fertility Murcia).
Last Update: 10/08/2018

We talk about implantation failure when pregnancy has not been achieved after three failed cycles of IVF/ICSI using her oocytes, or after two donor-egg cycles, as long as high-quality embryos were selected, no technical issues have occurred during the transfer procedure, and the woman doesn't have evident uterine anomalies.

Often, couples with implantation failure are referred to PGD (Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis) to determine whether the cause are chromosomal abnormalities.

Read the full article on: What is long embryo culture and blastocyst grading? ( 36).
 Ana Mª Villaquirán Villalba
Ana Mª Villaquirán Villalba
M.D., M.Sc.
Gynecologist on Next Fertility Murcia
Bachelor's Degree in Medicine from the University of Valle, Colombia. Specialist in Obstetrics & Gynecology. Master's Degree in Human Reproduction from the University of Valencia and IVI. Currently, she is the medical director of Tahe Fertilidad.
License: 303007571
Gynecologist. Bachelor's Degree in Medicine from the University of Valle, Colombia. Specialist in Obstetrics & Gynecology. Master's Degree in Human Reproduction from the University of Valencia and IVI. Currently, she is the medical director of Tahe Fertilidad. License: 303007571.