Dr. José León Tovar, gynaecologist at Ginemed Huelva, gives us the guidelines to follow when IVF does not go well. As the doctor tells us:
A negative IVF, in the first instance, must be dealt with as something normal. IVF or ICSI does not have a 100% success rate, that is a lie. Within the percentages of success, which are normally similar in all clinics, you have to take it as normal before a case of negative beta. When we already have an implantation failure, that is to say, several transfers of good quality embryos and if they are euploid analysed with preimplantational genetic diagnosis, we would already think about other strategies. The patient must undergo a thrombophilia study, of course, the karyotype is decisive, and a study of endometrial receptivity. Depending on the results, then put in heparin, aspirin, immunosuppressants, adjuvant therapy whenever it is justified according to the analytical results.