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In which women is the preservation of ovarian tissue indicated?

By Marita Espejo Catena M.D., M.Sc., Ph.D. (gynecologist on Instituto FIVIR clinic).
Last Update: 03/09/2020

The freezing of ovarian tissue is part of the fertility preservation techniques that are currently available for those women who, in the face of oncological or surgical treatments, may put their reproductive capacity at risk.

The procedure consists of the surgical extraction of the most superficial layer of one of the ovaries and the conservation in liquid nitrogen with cellular protective means. Once the oncological or surgical process is over, that fragment of ovary will be placed again in the place from which it was extracted.

Imagen: Step by step to preserve ovarian tissue

At present, the speed of programming ovarian stimulation cycles to obtain oocytes for cryopreservation means that the preservation of ovarian tissue is relegated to those cases in which oncological/surgical treatment must be applied immediately, when the patients are girls who have not yet had their first menstruation or in those patients with pathologies in which ovarian stimulation to obtain oocytes is contraindicated.

Read the full article on: What Is Ovarian Tissue Transplantation? ( 70).
Read the full article on: Preserving Fertility in Women with Cancer ( 54).
 Marita Espejo Catena
Marita Espejo Catena
M.D., M.Sc., Ph.D.
Gynecologist on Instituto FIVIR clinic
Graduated in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Valencia in 1992. Specialist in Gynaecology and Obstetrics. Doctor in Medicine from the University of Valencia in 2000. Master in Assisted Human Reproduction by the Rey Juan Carlos University and IVI in 2008. Currently, she is the director of Instituto FIVIR.
License: 464616497
Gynecologist. Graduated in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Valencia in 1992. Specialist in Gynaecology and Obstetrics. Doctor in Medicine from the University of Valencia in 2000. Master in Assisted Human Reproduction by the Rey Juan Carlos University and IVI in 2008. Currently, she is the director of Instituto FIVIR. License: 464616497.