The Fertile Chip uses the microfluidic technique to filter the male sample to obtain a larger number of spermatozoa lacking DNA double-strand fragmentation. These selected spermatozoa could be used in ICSI, thus decreasing the probability of microinjecting spermatozoa with a fragmented double strand.
It is true that in order to obtain a sufficient quantity of spermatozoa after performing the Fertile Chip technique it will be necessary to have minimum values of sperm concentration, motility and morphology.
As a general rule, a minimum concentration of 5 million spermatozoa per milliliter, 20% of spermatozoa with A+B motility and 2% of spermatozoa with normal morphology has been established. However, it is true that at the time of performing the technique, if some parameters were lower and others higher, they could compensate each other and finally sufficient sperm could be recovered for ICSI.