The seminogram or semen analysis report is one of the first tests performed on the male. This analysis provides information on the man's fertility potential by examining different parameters of the semen sample and can be key both in the diagnosis and in the assisted reproduction treatment.
The study of the semen sample is carried out by analysing both macroscopic and microscopic parameters. Macroscopic parameters refer to appearance, volume, pH, viscosity, colour or the presence of gelatinous bodies; while at the microscopic level, sperm are analysed in terms of concentration, motility, morphology, agglutination, aggregates, sperm vitality test, as well as the presence of other cell types than sperm.
All of these may be important in the male reproductive diagnosis, but they also provide indications of the state of health of each patient.
The advanced semen analysis with motile sperm count, is a test that is sometimes performed as a complement to the basic semen analysis report, confirming some of the parameters analysed, mainly their motility. This estimation allows us to know the spermatozoa with the optimal potential to carry out fertilization and has weight in the choice of the most appropriate assisted reproduction technique to be performed.
Therefore, the advanced version is a complementary test to the semen analysis that confirms the parameters analyzed in the same providing more information for its use in clinical practice.