Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome is a possible complication of in vitro fertilization that is triggered after administration of the chorionic gonadotropin hormone (hCG).
Ovarian hyperstimulation is characterized by an increase in the size of the ovaries. In the most severe cases there may be sudden changes in body fluids, with fluid leaking out of the blood vessels into, for example, the abdominal cavity.
In this type of situation, it is always recommended to avoid physical exercise and sexual relations. The main reason will be to avoid possible ovarian torsion. This consists of a complete or partial rotation of the ovary on its supporting elements, with the consequent loss of its blood supply. The fact that the ovary is larger than usual is a risk factor for this type of incident.
In fact, after carrying out an in vitro fertilization, even if there is no ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, sexual relations are not recommended until some time has passed, as to a greater or lesser extent, the ovaries will always be larger than usual due to the growth of multiple follicles, and therefore, an increased risk of ovarian torsion.