After the embryo transfer, it is normal for patients to be especially attentive to any symptoms that may indicate that pregnancy has been achieved. However, the most common is not to notice any symptoms in these first days. Pregnancy symptoms are mainly caused by the elevation of the hCG hormone, and in these first days after the transfer the levels will be very low or undetectable.
In fact, many times the symptoms reported by patients are due to the medication we use to facilitate embryo implantation. Thus, progesterone can produce drowsiness, nausea, etc. The administration of hCG at the end of an IVF cycle can produce an increase in urinary frequency and the increase in the size of the ovaries due to the growth of multiple follicles or the medication used for an endometrial preparation can produce discomfort similar to that of menstruation.
Thus, we can conclude that there is no specific symptom of pregnancy at this early stage. Neither the absence of symptoms nor the presence of any of them can indicate whether the transfer has been effective. We have to wait for the beta-hCG test to be certain.