Antonio Forgiarini, gynaecologist at Next Fertility Valencia, tells us about the possible causes of female infertility due to tubal factor:
We can have a lot of causes. I think the most frequent are adhesions from infections, from pelvic infections or from endometriosis for example. So, these are pathologies that causes inflammation in the pelvis, some scars, some adhesions that can block the tubes and can close them. We have a lot of other causes that are very rare like agenesia, some women can be birth without the Fallopian tubes for example or they cannot function properly, but I think the two most important causes are endometriosis and infections.
Read the full article on: Female infertility due to tubal factor: causes and treatments ( 66).

Antonio Forgiarini
M.D., M.Sc.
Bachelor's Degree in Medicine from the Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata”, with specialty in Obstetrics and Gynecology at University Clinical Hospital of Valencia, Spain. Master's Degree in Human Reproduction, and currently works as an OB/GYN specialized in Assisted Procreation at fertility clinics Millet and IMER Valencia.
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