Azoospermia does not give rise to noticeable symptoms on a day-to-day basis such as pain, discomfort, swelling, etc. Therefore, the sure way to diagnose it is not based on symptoms, but only on the result of the semen analysis.
For this reason, there are many men who do not know whether or not they have azoospermia until they have been looking for pregnancy for a year without success and go to a fertility consultation.
However, there are cases in which azoospermia may be accompanied by erection problems or sexual alterations related to some hormonal irregularity, which has led to secretory azoospermia.
It is also possible, although complicated, for the male to intuit azoospermia by a change in the color or appearance of the semen, since the absence of spermatozoa can make it somewhat more watery, light and transparent. In any case, changes in the semen are not a determining symptom, since they can also be due to other reasons such as alterations in the prostate or seminal vesicle, eating habits, testicular pathologies, etc.