Educational background
- Specialization Program in Assisted Reproduction and Genetics by the University of Alcalá de Henares and Ginefiv.
- Specialization Program in Clinical Genetics by the University of Alcalá de Henares (UAH).
- Degree in Biochemistry and Biomedical Sciences from the University of Valencia. (UV)
Professional experience
- Writer and management of scientific content at Reproducción Asistida ORG
- Writer and management of scientific content at Babygest
- Internship in the area of molecular genetics and cytogenetics at the Hospital Ramón y Cajal (Madrid)
- Internship at the Ginefiv fertility clinic (Madrid)
- Internship in a Parkinson's research group at the Genetics Department of the University of Valencia (UV)
Latest articles and collaborations
- Embryo transfer: How many embryos should be transferred in IVF?
- What is anembryonic pregnancy? - Detection and treatment
- Is it possible to achieve pregnancy in men with teratozoospermia?
- What is a vasectomy? The procedure its effectiveness explained
- What is a basic semen analysis and how is it done step by step?
- Treatment of Teratozoospermia - Can It Be Cured?
- Uterine Factor Infertility - Diagnosis, Characteristics & Treatment
- What is the price of IVF with oocyte donation in Spain?
- Which Methods Are Used to Assess Sperm Vitality?
- Fertility treatments for couples: how to achieve pregnancy?
- How to deal with miscarriage after an in Vitro Fertilization (IVF)?
- What Diseases Are Associated with Azoospermia?
- What is the probability of twins with IVF and artificial insemination?
- Cryopreservation & Vitrification of Embryos, Sperm & Eggs
- How Successful Is IVF with ICSI? - Pregnancy & Live Birth Rates
- What is IVF with vitrified eggs and what are the results like?
- Donor intrauterine insemination: What is it and how much is it?
- IVF with egg donation: what are the chances of getting pregnant?
- What is the probability of success of intrauterine insemination?
- IVF using donor sperm: the process, costs and its success rates
- What to do after artificial insemination? Two week wait and advice
- Pregnancy over the age of 40 - the options and associated risks
- What is embryo donation and adoption and when is it recommended?
- Intracytoplasmic sperm injection: What is ICSI and how much is it?
- What differences exist between artificial insemination and IVF?
- What is intrauterine insemination (IUI) with partner's sperm?
- What is anovulation? - Causes, symptoms and treatment
- What is hyperprolactinemia? - Causes, symptoms and treatments
- Embryo Transfer in Natural Cycles: Advantages & Disadvantages
- What should be considered in the 21st week of pregnancy?
- Which Methods Are Used to Diagnose PCOS?
- What Are the Disadvantages of In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)?
- Can pregnancy tests fail? False positives and negatives
- Week 16 of pregnancy: changes in the fetus and mother
- What diet should I follow to improve my semen quality?
- Indications for ICSI: when is it necessary?
- Week 15 of pregnancy: boy or girl?
- Endoscopic Surgery: Hysteroscopy & Laparoscopy
- What Is the Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS)?
- How Does the Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET) Procedure Work?
- What is irregular menstruation like and what are its causes?
- Sperm freezing: indications, process, result and price
- Embryo transfer: when and how is it done?
- What is erectile dysfunction, and what treatments are available?
- What foods to take to relieve premenstrual symptoms?
- When is 4D ultrasound performed in pregnancy? Its advantages
- What is a sperm cell like? Its structure, parts and functions
- Fertility after miscarriage or abortion: Is pregancy possible?
- Ovarian inflammation: main causes and symptoms
- How Do I know When My Baby Will Arrive?
Latest replies to FAQs
- Does high testicular temperature cause teratozoospermia?
- Can stress be a cause of hyperprolactinemia?
- Can amniocentesis be performed in the 21st week of pregnancy?
- Is threatened abortion possible at 21 weeks of pregnancy?
- What is the fundal height in the 21st week of pregnancy?
- Can I trust my negative pregnancy test result or am I still hopeful?
- Can a chorionic biopsy be done in the 15th week of pregnancy?
- Is it normal to have brown discharge in the 15th week of pregnancy?
- How is the recovery from a laparoscopy?
- Does lowering hCG doses prevent OHSS?
- When is it advisable to perform a 4D ultrasound?
- What does a 4D ultrasound scan feel like?
- How to care for atopic baby skin?
- At what age does cradle cap usually appear?
- How many times can eggs be donated?
- How is the human papillomavirus transmitted?
- How is human karyotyping done?
- Is karyotyping performed on gamete donors?
- Is there danger in pregnancy in women with lupus?
- Is lupus erythematosus hereditary?
- Is breastfeeding possible in women with lupus?
- Do migraines improve during pregnancy?
- What symptoms does menstrual migraine cause?
- Does Rizatriptan fight menstrual migraines?
- When is the use of Implanon contraindicated?
- What tips to follow in the 19th week of pregnancy?
- Is it normal for my belly to hurt in week 19 of pregnancy?
- How do you prepare a bottle of formula for a 3-month-old baby?
- What are the causes of male infertility due to obesity?
- Are Y chromosome microdeletions related to oligozoospermia?
- Is semen allergy synonymous with infertility?
- What is the composition of semen?
- What causes semen allergy?
- Is it normal to be very sleepy in the 40th week of pregnancy?
- What happens if the baby is not born in the 40th week of pregnancy?
- Can I eat anything during pregnancy?
- Can the causes of miscarriages be prevented?
- What are the complications of miscarriages?
- Does the baby cry when he/she has a fever?
- What are the differences between 3D, 4D and 5D ultrasound?
- Is it a good time to do a 3D ultrasound in the 19th week of pregnancy?
- Is it convenient to perform a 3D ultrasound before IVF?
- How many months is 27 weeks of pregnancy?
- Can hiccups be detected in the 27th week of pregnancy?
- Is it normal to have bleeding in the 27th week of pregnancy?
- How are the baby's movements in the 20th week of gestation?
- Is the sex of the baby known at the 20th week of pregnancy?
- What is the price of embryo biopsy?
- What are the consequences of a bicornuate uterus?
- Is vaginal or cesarean delivery more frequent in women with bicornuate uterus?
Last Update: 05/28/2019