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What is the approximate cost of medication for an ovodonation?

By Gustavo Daniel Carti M.D. (gynecologist on Juaneda Fertility Center).
Last Update: 01/17/2023

Endometrial preparation requires the administration of estrogens and progesterone sequentially during the treatment cycle. A complete cycle may require approximately 6 mg/day of estradiol + 800 mg/day of micronized progesterone, which should not be more than 150 euros. However, if pregnancy is achieved, this medication should be extended until the 12th week of gestation.

 Gustavo Daniel  Carti
Gustavo Daniel Carti
Gynecologist on Juaneda Fertility Center
Dr. Gustavo Daniel Carti has a degree in medicine and specialized in obstetrics and gynecology from the University of Buenos Aires.
Licence number: 07/0711274
Gynecologist. Dr. Gustavo Daniel Carti has a degree in medicine and specialized in obstetrics and gynecology from the University of Buenos Aires. Licence number: 07/0711274.