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What is the main cause of early menopause?

By José Luis Gómez Palomares B.Sc., Ph.D. (gynecologist on Reply To: Anorexia and pregnancy complications).
Last Update: 01/16/2020

Early menopause or early ovarian failure consists of the cessation of ovarian activity below the age of 40. It occurs in about 1% of women. In most cases, 63% of cases, as indicated by the Spanish Association for the Study of Menopause, the cause is unknown.

It should be remembered that, in patients with normal karyotypes, between 10 and 20% of cases will recover ovarian function. It is possible that, after having achieved pregnancy through the transfer of an embryo from a cycle of receiving donated oocytes, a new gestation may occur this time after the restoration of the ovarian cycle itself.

The second most common cause of early ovarian failure is genetics. Chromosomal alterations related to the X chromosome or alterations of point genes also in the X chromosome, such as the premutation of the FMRI gene, can lead to early ovarian failure. There are also described mutations in genes located on chromosomes other than the X that can cause this pathology.

Other causes of premature ovarian failure are: chemotherapy or radiotherapy treatments in women with cancer processes, endometriosis, metabolic or autoimmune diseases or infections.

 José Luis Gómez Palomares
José Luis Gómez Palomares
B.Sc., Ph.D.
Gynecologist on Reply To: Anorexia and pregnancy complications
Degree in Medicine from the University of Valencia, specialized in Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Son Dureta Hospital in Palma de Mallorca. He has an extensive career as a gynecologist specializing in assisted reproduction and is also a scientific disseminator through the Youtube channel Feliztividad: hábitos de éxito y diferentes podcast.
Licence number: 280705568
Gynecologist. Degree in Medicine from the University of Valencia, specialized in Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Son Dureta Hospital in Palma de Mallorca. He has an extensive career as a gynecologist specializing in assisted reproduction and is also a scientific disseminator through the Youtube channel Feliztividad: hábitos de éxito y diferentes podcast. Licence number: 280705568.