It is a "gonadotropin-releasing hormone antagonist" drug and acts against the action of this hormone (GnRH) produced by our hypothalamus.
Orgalutran is used to prevent the premature release of LH, which can cause spontaneous ovulation. It is used in IVF cycles to prevent ovulation because without its effect the risk of ovulation is high and would produce a significant reduction in the number of eggs retrieved in a follicular puncture.
Read the full article on: What are the Symptoms and Side Effects of Orgalutran? ( 57).
Jon Ander Agirregoikoa
Graduated in medicine from the Pays Basque University, with a specialization in obstetrics and gynaecology. He has several years of experience in the field of assisted human reproduction and is co-director and co-founder of the ART clinics. He also combines his medical activity with teaching at the Pays Basque University.
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