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When is a FET recommended?

By Rebeca Reus BSc, MSc (embryologist).
Last Update: 10/05/2018

A FET is indicated in multiple situations, including:

  • Embryo donation and adoption
  • Women or couples who have had children in the past, and want to have a second child using the cryopreserved embryos from previos cycles
  • Women or couples who want to try again after a failed IVF cycle
  • In case of cancellation of a transfer with fresh embryos due to various reasons, including inadequate endometrial preparation, waiting for the results of PGD (preimplantation genetic diagnosis), etc.
  • Women or couples with recurrent implantation failure using fresh embryos, when the suspected cause has an endometrial origin.
Imagen: Situations in which frozen embryos are transferred

There exist some studies indicating that FETs improve the implantation chances, as no medications for ovarian stimulation are needed. They suggest that stimulated cycles can alter the quality of the endometrial lining, thereby affecting the embryos' implantation potential.

 Rebeca Reus
Rebeca Reus
BSc, MSc
Degree in Human Biology (Biochemistry) from the Pompeu Fabra University (UPF). Official Master's Degree in Clinical Analysis Laboratory from the UPF and Master’s Degree about the Theoretical Basis and Laboratory Procedures in Assisted Reproduction from the University of Valencia (UV).
Embryologist. Degree in Human Biology (Biochemistry) from the Pompeu Fabra University (UPF). Official Master's Degree in Clinical Analysis Laboratory from the UPF and Master’s Degree about the Theoretical Basis and Laboratory Procedures in Assisted Reproduction from the University of Valencia (UV).