Educational background
- Master’s Degree about the Theoretical Basis and Laboratory Procedures in Assisted Reproduction from the University of Valencia (UV)
- Official Master's Degree in Clinical Analysis Laboratory from the Pompeu Fabra University (UPF)
- Bachelor's Degree in Human Biology (Biochemistry) from the Pompeu Fabra University (UPF)
Professional experience
- Writer of scientific contents at Reproducción Asistida ORG (2016-2017)
- Embryologist at Instituto de Fertilidad (IFER) (Palma de Majorca, Balearic Islands, Spain) (2015-2015))
- Junior Embryologist at Hospital Clínic de Barcelona (2014-2015)
Honors and awards
- Member of ASEBIR (2015-present)
Scientific community involvement
- "Do morphokinetic parameters allow the prediction of embryo aneuploidy?", Revista Iberoamericana de Fertilidad y Reproducción Humana
- "Impacto de la multinucleación en estadio de 2 células analizada por time-lapse sobre la tasa de implantación", Poster published at ASEBIR 2015
Latest articles and collaborations
- Azoospermia - Can a Man Actually Have Zero Sperm Count?
- What Are Uterine Fibroids? - Causes, Symptoms & Treatment
- Embryo transfer: How many embryos should be transferred in IVF?
- What is a basic semen analysis and how is it done step by step?
- IVF with egg donation: what are the chances of getting pregnant?
- Pregnancy over the age of 40 - the options and associated risks
- Endometrial Preparation for Implantation After IVF Embryo Transfer
- Intracytoplasmic sperm injection: What is ICSI and how much is it?
- Week 15 of pregnancy: boy or girl?
- What Is the Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS)?
- How Does the Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET) Procedure Work?
- Sperm freezing: indications, process, result and price
- What alterations can occur in cervical mucus?
- What Is PICSI or Physiological ICSI in IVF?
- What are the most frequent symptoms after an embryo transfer?
- What Is Artificial Insemination (AI)? - Process, Cost & Types
- What is the relationship between meiosis and fertility, and is it necessary?
- How are spermatozoa formed? - Phases of spermatogenesis
- What is a Varicocele? - Causes, Symptoms & Treatment
- List of Sperm Disorders that Cause Male Infertility
- Improving Sperm Selection with MACS: Definition & Indication
- What is Adenomyosis? Risks, Symptoms and Treatment
- What is reciprocal IVF? - IVF with donor egg from female partner
- What Does It Mean to Have a Threatened Miscarriage?
- What is IVF with egg donation and how much does treatment cost?
- What Is Menopause? - Age, Causes, Symptoms & Treatment
- What is a short IVF protocol with GnRH antagonists?
- What Is the Normal Semen Volume in Males?
- What values are normal in sperm motility analysis?
- What is long embryo culture and blastocyst grading?
- How does the mother's advanced age influence pregnancy?
- Leukocytospermia or Pyospermia - Causes & Treatment
- What differs in pregnancy with fraternal twins or identical twins?
- How many attempts is it advisable to make in assisted reproduction?
- What Happens During the 4th Month of Pregnancy?
- Early or premature menopause: causes, symptoms and treatments
- What happens to the excess unused embryos after an IVF treatment?
- Assisted reproduction for homosexual women: becoming lesbian moms
- Male hormone analysis: what should the normal hormone levels be?
- Sperm washing for assisted reproduction in HIV positive patients
- Using donated sperm: donor requirements, prices and treatments
- Are implantation rates of frozen blastocysts better?
- Can a Woman Get Pregnant at Age 50? - Chances & Risks
- How Does Sexual Abstinence Affect Sperm Quality?
- What is an endometrial or uterine polyp? - Symptoms and treatment
- What Is Salpingitis? Causes, Symptoms & Treatment
- Embryo culture in the in vitro fertilization laboratory (IVF)
- Use of Cervical Mucus as a Fertility Indicator
- Cryptorchidism: a testicular disorder causing infertility
- How does the microbiota influence fertility?
Latest replies to FAQs
- Are there diseases that cause sperm problems?
- What are the chances of twins with donor eggs?
- If I have Down syndrome, can I have children?
- Is gametogenesis the same as meiosis?
- What is the importance of the phases of meiosis in reproduction?
- How do I know if I have problems with meiosis?
- Can I have sex relations if I have a varicocele?
- Can a varicocele cause premature ejaculation?
- Does using frozen eggs affect the success rate of IVF with donor eggs?
- What are the risks of egg donation?
- My hormone levels are normal but I have azoospermia. Is it normal?
- What treatment options do I have for abnormal testosterone levels?
- When PGD/PGS is required, what is better, ICSI or IVF?
- How effective is ICSI with testicular biopsy?
- Why is ICSI not used in all IVF procedures?
- Does the time it takes to do sperm washing to eliminate HIV affect the quality of the eggs?
- Is it possible to use semen from an international sperm bank?
- What is special about IMSI?
- Are there sperm banks in Spain and do clinics use sperm from these banks or also from overseas?
- How is donor sperm frozen? How long does it last?
- Is sperm donor treatment availble through social security? (Spain)
- Can you buy sperm over the internet?
- How much does sperm donation pay in Spain?
- Does a catalogue of sperm donors exist so I can choose my donor?
- If the maximum number of offspring per donor is 6, why is there a Dutch sperm donor who has fathered over 150 children?
- I am 15 weeks pregnant and I can't feel my baby, should I worry?
- Is any endometrial preparation treatment necessary before performing the frozen embryo transfer?
- Are the symptoms of frozen blastocyst transfer the same as fresh?
- Can an embryo that has been thawed be frozen again?
- At what age does a woman lose fertility?
- Does a multiple pregnancy carry more risks?
- Up to what age can I resort to ovodonation?
- Can young women also present endometrial polyps?
- Is an endometrial polyp the same as a submucosal uterine myoma?
- Are uterine polyps contagious?
- Are the same days of sexual abstinence recommended for in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatments as for artificial insemination?
- Why is sexual abstinence necessary for a spermogram if the samples will not be used for any treatment?
- Where can I get a spermogram?
- What medications are needed for the spermiogram?
- Does Enterococcus faecalis in semen cause infertility?
- How many days does ovarian stimulation with GnRH antagonists last?
- For ovarian stimulation, is it sufficient to inject GnRH antagonists?
- How many spermatozoa result from a secondary spermatocyte?
- How many sperm are generated from a primary spermatocyte?
- How many spermatozoa do each spermatogonia form?
- Is sperm production daily?
- What is the difference between blastocyst and blastocele?
- Does the odor of the discharge also vary?
- What is the Billings method?
- Is prevention of cryptorchidism possible?
Last Update: 08/01/2018