Certified Medical Magazine by WMA, ACSA, AACI
What is the relationship between meiosis and fertility, and is it necessary?

Rebeca Reus BSc, MSc

 Rebeca Reus BSc, MSc

Educational background

  • Master’s Degree about the Theoretical Basis and Laboratory Procedures in Assisted Reproduction from the University of Valencia (UV)
  • Official Master's Degree in Clinical Analysis Laboratory from the Pompeu Fabra University (UPF)
  • Bachelor's Degree in Human Biology (Biochemistry) from the Pompeu Fabra University (UPF)

Professional experience

  • Writer of scientific contents at Reproducción Asistida ORG (2016-2017)
  • Embryologist at Instituto de Fertilidad (IFER) (Palma de Majorca, Balearic Islands, Spain) (2015-2015))
  • Junior Embryologist at Hospital Clínic de Barcelona (2014-2015)

Honors and awards

  • Member of ASEBIR (2015-present)

Scientific community involvement


  • "Do morphokinetic parameters allow the prediction of embryo aneuploidy?", Revista Iberoamericana de Fertilidad y Reproducción Humana
  • "Impacto de la multinucleación en estadio de 2 células analizada por time-lapse sobre la tasa de implantación", Poster published at ASEBIR 2015

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Last Update: 08/01/2018