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Why are embryos lost throughout the culture time?

By Laura Molina Sotomayor (embryologist).
Last Update: 03/14/2022

The embryologist Laura Molina from the Ginemed centers answers us:

Evidently they are embryos that do not have optimal characteristics to develop normally. It is not that they are lost due to the procedure or due to incubation or due to the conditions in the laboratory, but it is the embryo itself that, due to any type of metabolic failure or some type of chromosomal genetic alteration that it may have, automatically those embryos will not progress and will stop in their development. They are blockages that are associated with the quality of the embryo itself, which can come from problems that come from the sperm as well as from the ovules. Actually, it is also a form of selection. This long development also allows us to assess the quality of the embryos because if they do not evolve, they would not become pregnant either.

Read the full article on: What is long embryo culture and blastocyst grading? ( 36).
 Laura Molina Sotomayor
Laura Molina Sotomayor
Laura Molina is currently a biologist at the Ginemed center in Jerez. Laura studied Biology at the University of Granada, where she also did a Master's Degree in Clinical Analysis. In addition, Laura has a PhD course in Human Genetics and a Master's Degree in Human Reproduction from the Complutense University of Madrid.
Embryologist. Laura Molina is currently a biologist at the Ginemed center in Jerez. Laura studied Biology at the University of Granada, where she also did a Master's Degree in Clinical Analysis. In addition, Laura has a PhD course in Human Genetics and a Master's Degree in Human Reproduction from the Complutense University of Madrid.