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Bicornuate uterus and becoming an egg donor

Bicornuate uterus and becoming an egg donor

  1. <span  class="bbp-author-name">Lisa Annmarie</span>
    Lisa Annmarie

    Hello, my name is Lisa and I’m 31. My question is as follows: I’ve a bicornuate uterus. I want to donate my eggs, but I don’t know if this condition will hinder my chances of helping a couple achieve their dreams of becoming parents. I know I’m not sterile, but wondering to what extent do I produce good quality eggs or not. Can you help me?

    02/26/2016 at 12:09 pm
  2. Hello Lisa,

    a bicornuate uterus or bicornate uterus (commonly referred to as “heart-shaped uterus”) is an uterine factor classified as an structural abnormality. Unicornuate uterus, septate uterus, and a bicornuate uterus are among the most common structural anomalies.

    A bicornuate uterus is a uterus whose two halves are attached to the cervix, but not at the top of the womb. Hysteroscopy is usually a useful technique when it comes to evaluating and treating this kind of uterine factors. Hysterosalpingogram (HSG) and saline contrast ultrasounds may be helpful as well.

    In relation to female infertility, in principle it should not cause infertility, but it is true that it is associated with increased risks for miscarriage, premature dilatation of the cervix, and preterm birth. So, in general terms, the effect of bicornuate uterus does not necessarily lead to pregnancy complications with this condition; in fact, findings suggest that around 65-85% of women known to have this type of structural abnormality do not experience any pregnancy problem.

    However, malformations and other uterine abnormalities can contribute to 15% of cases of recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL). Besides, women with normal pregnancy outcomes are seldom screened for the detection of these conditions, so experts are not sure about the frequency of this condition among women with no pregnancy problems.

    If you wish to donate your eggs, in principle there is no problem. However, you will be thoroughly screened to verify whether you produce healthy eggs. Ask your doctor for further information, as he is the one who best knows about your particular case.

    I hope I have been able to help,


    03/14/2016 at 1:04 pm