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Egg donation in New York

Egg donation in New York

  1. <span  class="bbp-author-name">Sals_33</span>

    Hey there people!

    I am a young healthy woman and I have heard that you can earn some extra bucks by donating your eggs for fertility treatments? Is this true? How much can I earn? Will it involve a lot of time? will it hurt?

    I live in NYC so want to do it here and not have travel expenses.

    I know it is a lot of questions but I really don’t know where to start! Thanks in advance.

    10/01/2022 at 10:41 am
  2. Hi Sally

    Donating your eggs can be a very rewarding thing to do: you would be helping someone in New York with their in vitro fertilization journey, so they can fulfil their dream of becoming a parent!

    Also, there can be some financial benefits depending on where you live. However, in order to be accepted as an egg donor you need to meet certain criteria, for example:

    be between 18 and 35 years old
    be physically and mentally healthy
    have normal ovualtory function
    not suffer from infections or hereditary diseases
    not be adopted

    You can find out more on the procedure in this article: Egg donation: requirements, procedure and compensation.

    If you meet the criteria, you could receive from $5000 – $10,000.

    You would have to undergo ovarian stimulation and then a follicular puncture in order to obtain the eggs, but this procedure is performed under sedation or mild anesthestic so no pain should be felt. The time spent in the process would be the visits to monitor the development of the eggs and then the puncture to obtain them.

    I hope this information is useful and good luck!

    10/03/2022 at 8:55 am
  3. Hi Sals_33

    I am about to unergo IVF in Chelsea Fertility New York, with egg donation. Just want to say get out there and do it. I left it late to start a family and at 43 I have been told that donor eggs are the way forward for me. So please donate! We need women like you!

    10/03/2022 at 1:59 pm
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