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Precautions following an embryo transfer of donated embryos

Precautions following an embryo transfer of donated embryos

  1. <span  class="bbp-author-name">Eleanor McAfee</span>
    Eleanor McAfee

    Heyy! I’m waiting for the date of my ET with donated embryos to be scheduled… I’m taking estradiol now and now my doctor has given a progesterone prescription to me… I’m just one step ahead to embrace the embryos 🙂 My question is whether I will need to rest after the ET, which means I will have to take some time off work, but is it actually required? I mean, by boss is not so keen on his employees taking time off work… I’d prefer not to do it.

    02/10/2016 at 8:00 am
  2. Hello Eleanor,

    rest after IVF embryo transfer (regardless of whether they were donated embryos or not) is not necessary and doesn’t help boost your chances of achieving success. However, it is true that doctors do recommend not making intense physical efforts or lifting heavy weight, although you can continue with your lifestyle as always. By no means is bed rest necessary unless otherwise indicated by your doctor due to special reasons.

    You could take some time off work to be more relaxed throughout these days, but as I said it is unnecessary. In fact, going to work may keep your mind busy and free from stress during the 2WW.

    I hope I have been able to help,


    02/17/2016 at 6:13 pm